Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fiddle Train!

The Old Time Fiddle Train pulled into Sunshine for a long weekend of merriment!  The flagstop train runs all winter, with an extra trip the first Thursday of the month.  These folks played train songs all the way to Hurricane and back to Sunshine Thursday, then caught the return trip to Anchorage on Sunday.  A great high-energy weekend filled with music, cross-country skiing, fine food and even a Birthday celebration squeezed in!

 Everyone managed to play outside, we had perfect sledding snow and great trail conditions for skiing.  At least three different kinds of footwear are needed for winter fun in Alaska.
Old Time String band with special guest conductor

Sending up sky lanterns with Birthday wishes.

 Sad to see them go, I'm sure the train got much livelier once they were on board.  We're already looking forward to next year...